Creation of Bretagne Pack
Bretagne Pack is a French company, located in Brittany, founded by Dominique and Françoise Le Nan in 2022.
A pioneer in France in the manufacture of natural fiber packaging, our nets are made from cellulose. They are therefore ecological, biodegradable and, of course, 100% France made!
With a strong desire to respect the environment and local production, we select our raw materials with care. We want to contribute sustainably to the reduction of plastics in the ocean, and this also involves our daily consumption!
Made from cellulose, our Bretagne Pack fruit and vegetables’ nets are biodegradable, and therefore compostable. Once the consumer bought his garlics, onions, shallots, lemons, oranges, etc., he can recycle the packaging directly in his compost bin and leave no waste behind.
With 18 years of experience as CEO of Saveurs du Léon (net food conditioning company), Dominique Le Nan has a perfect knowledge of the industry and will be able to answer the needs of customers.
Production capacity: 38400 km / year or 38400 coils of 1000 linear meter

Complies with the AGEC law


None plastic

Certified food contact
What is cellulose?
The nets of the future
Bretagne Pack is only in its early stages and we are already thinking about ever greener production!
Our objective ? To produce nets from flax cellulose, a material which is less polluting and leaves less waste than other plants. This is why, we wish to supply ourselves with linen thank to Bretagne Lin.
In addition to the ecological aspect of the material, the linen will come from local production. The fields will be located within a perimeter of less than 20km from the company’s premises.